We all see it. Maby we see it from diffrent perspectives. But we see it.

So let´s talk about the perspectivs.

We have the right. The right to see it our way. My way. And if you dont agree, I have the right to ignore.


So let´s talk about it.


The tings we have the right  to ignore. The things we don´t agree with.


So lets talk.


About the things we don´t agree with.  Let´s talk about the Pink Elephant in the room.

And maby one day we can agree and see that the only

Pink Elephant in the room is M(U)E.

Let´s talk about

-the Pink Elephant in the room-

“In Science we trust”

“Flight West”

“Big Belly”

“Cought up in the forest”

“Peace over the Rainbow”

“Cover Up”

“Donald Truck”

“The Holy Water”

“Balance in and out”